Directed by Martin Scorsese, based on true events in the 80’s, The Wolf of Wall Street sees Leonardo DiCaprio depict Long Island stockbroker Jordan Belfort. From his humble beginnings as the son of two accountants, Jordan starts work as a broker and meets his fast talking boss Mark Hanna, played by Mathew McConaughey. Hanna explains that his reason for going into stocks was for the “hookers and blow". Jordan’s first day with his broker’s licence happens to fall on Black Monday October 19, 1987 where he witnesses the catastrophic stock market crash and immediately loses his job.

At a loss, Jordan scours the job ads where he stumbles across one that sounds interesting: the Investor Centre. Although a small company, Jordan experiences rapid success and finds himself making serious money.

Jordan meets Donnie (played by Jonah Hill) at his local diner, where Donnie notices Jordan’s Jaguar. After quizzing Jordan about how he makes so much money, he quits his own job and goes to work for Jordan. Together they set up a garage with "guys at desks" making calls with a script that Jordan wrote. Experiencing incredible growth, Jordan creates “Stratton Oakmont” with even more brokers working for them.

Completely engrossed in the corrupt money making securities scam which allows them a wild lifestyle of prostitutes and drugs, we see the group descent into debauchery.

The Wolf of Wall Street is out now in cinemas nationally.

Check out the Trailer below.