In the reboot of a classic 1990’s franchise, there are adults who may be having flashbacks to their teen years with the release of the newest version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The characters remain from previous films, however there is an obvious advancement in graphic treatment.


April O’Neil (played by Megan Fox) is the Channel 6 news reporter who has been on a hot story of a gang called the Foot Clan who has been menacing the city. During her investigation, she stumbles across four mysterious figures already known to the audience as Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael. Despite her best efforts to convince her boss that the Turtles are real, she remains the only one to believe in them.

April finds herself in danger from the Foot Clan since she met the Turtles. To protect her, the Turtles secretly take her blindfolded to their hideout by the orders of Splinter, master of the Turtles.

Meanwhile, Shredder who is the enemy of the Turtles and Splinter begins his plan to spread a deadly virus through New York City. The only known cure is to extract the mutagen from the blood of a Ninja Turtle.

The battle continues as Shredder and Splinter fight to win control of the city.