Mistakes when Mounting Big Screens

As television screens get bigger and bigger, we sometimes run out of room to put them. Mounting your big screen on the wall is a great way to reclaim valuable space, to keep it safe from sticky fingers as well as mounting it in a better viewing position. Despite being pretty simple to install, there are some common mistakes that some people do which can result in a less than perfect installation.

Mounted TV Example

Not reading the instructions

As with all kinds of equipment, from your new digital camera to your microwave, if you don’t read the instructions, you will not get the most out of your device. The same goes for mounting brackets. If you presume how it works, chances are high that you’ll mess it up. We cannot stress this enough…read the instructions. Also make sure you read them before starting your install, not after you’ve already gone half way through and you’re now thinking that something’s not quite right.

Trying to do it by yourself

Don’t presume that because you’re a handy person and you’re pretty strong that you can do this job by yourself. You will need a second person. An extra pair of arms can help you position the mount, drill, hold the level and if not just to help lift but also to tell you how good you are when you've finished.

Not knowing what's in your wall

What’s behind your wall? You need to know if behind your plasterboard is timber, bricks or steel framework. This will not only affect your choice of wall fastener but also the placement of the screen. If it is timber or steel frame you will need a stud finder to work out where it is going to hang. You will also need to sort out if there are any hidden power cables in the area you are planning to mount so you can be sure to miss them as well. The results could be disastrous if you drill into live cables. Take care here!

Not Using a Level

It is near impossible to get a screen level without one. Although it sounds very obvious, it happens a lot more than you would think. There can be nothing worse than walking into a room dominated by a huge screen, and it’s uneven. It's very noticeable!

Hanging too high

This is also very common. Your screen should be positioned so that when you are sitting down to watch, the eyes of the characters are level with yours. Luckily most directors go with a rule of thirds, so this can make it easier for you to figure out. If you were to divide your screen horizontally into three, the top line of the two should be at your eye height when sitting in your viewing position. A few centimeters each way won't make a big difference, but don't be tempted to raise it when you are mounting it. It may feel low when you are standing up looking at it, but once you have settled back in you comfy chair it will be perfect. Please remember that your screen is an expensive (and heavy) bit of equipment so requires a strong, solid support. If you feel like you're not too sure on hanging it, we recommend hiring a pro to hang it for you. They do this every day, so will be quick and accurate, saving you lots of time and stress. If you are still unsure which bracket will suit your television and application, feel free to call our Selby Techs on 1800 69 2225 View Selby’s TV Wall Mounts Online