Kingsman: The Secret Service is based upon the comic book by Mark Millar, and depicts a veteran secret agent who leads his young protégé into the world of espionage. Starring Colin Firth as the skilled and stylish agent Harry Hart guiding his young apprentice Gary “Eggsy” Unwin, Kingsman: The Secret Service tells the story of a competitive spy agency and the lengths they go to, to defeat the villain.


No spy movie is complete without the villainous character, and in this film it is the evil tech-master, Richmond Valentine, played by Samuel L. Jackson. An accomplished billionaire, Valentine emerges as a threat who wants to control the world. Looking to find a solution to global climate change, he hatches a plan which involves a worldwide killing spree.


“Eggsy” is challenged as he learns the ropes from his commander. Without this avenue, it is certain that he would remain a street kid destined for a life behind bars. Colin Firth is not typically viewed as a violent master spy, yet perhaps this is what makes the film intriguing. With a mixture of action and comedy, there is a real tip-of-the-hat to the James Bond genre here.

Kingsman: The Secret Service is in Cinemas Now