25 years after the first Die Hard movie, we see Bruce Willis reprising his role as John McClane in the fifth instalment of the Die Hard franchise. McClane Senior travels to Moscow, Russia trying to help out his jailed son Jack (played by Australian Jai Courtney). John suddenly finds himself assisting his son escape and discovers that Jack has actually been working as an undercover CIA agent for the past three years. Trying to prevent a nuclear weapons theft, the father and son double-team to outsmart the criminal Russian syndicate.

Once again full of action and explosions, there are a couple of hair-raising car chase scenes which will satisfy the viewers who love this franchise. Bruce Willis is no longer just the tough guy cop who accidentally finds himself in bad situations, he seems to go looking for them. The introduction of his son into this movie appears to suggest they may be “passing the torch” onto the younger McClane with the design of continuing to Die Hard 6. Jai Courtney certainly appears to be a great casting decision, and may be considered a scene stealer by some. Nevertheless, Bruce Willis still shoots a mean machine gun and if you are a fan of the fast paced, blow ‘em up, clichéd one liners that he delivered in the previous four versions, then you’ll probably enjoy this also.

If you’re not sure, then maybe wait until it’s out on Blu-ray and watch it in your own home cinema!

Released Thursday 21st March, Die Hard 5 – A Good Day to Die Hard is in cinemas Australia wide.