Better Late Than Never: Spotify HiFi Could Be Coming Soon

Spotify source code hints at the release of the long-awaited HiFi tier featuring lossless audio.

Remember when Spotify promised the release of lossless audio streaming? If not, we don't blame you, because it was 2 years ago. Yes, back in February 2021 Spotify announced that they would release a more expensive HiFi tier by the end of the year. Fans waited, and the new year, came, and all we heard was crickets.

In June of this year rumors picked up again when the company announced that they would be naming this new tier "Supermium", but still didn't give any hints as to when it might release. Now, one sneaky Redditor has found some clues in Spotify's source code that the lossless tier could be coming soon.

According to the leak, the Supermium tier could feature 24-bit lossless audio, which Spotify is referring to as having "no lags or delays". While lossless audio is exciting, other major streaming services like Amazon Music and Apple Music have offered lossless streaming for years now, and at no extra cost. Why should Spotify users pay more for the same feature? Well, it looks like the new tier could also include some added bonuses to make Supermium more enticing.

The app's code indicates that the Supermium tier may include 30 hours of audiobook listening each month, as well as some creative library sorting options, such as mood, activity, and genre. It also hints at advanced mixing tools, allowing the user to customize their playlist order by BPM, filter songs by genre and mood, or enable smooth transitions between songs. A potential "soundcheck" feature would allow users to learn more about their listening habits and "discover what mix of sounds is uniquely you." The company is likely going to utilize new AI technology to offer new playlist personalization.

The Redditor discovered that the Supermium tier cost is listed as $19.99 (USD) a month, although this could just be a placeholder in the code. With the current Premium plan pricing at $12.99, many are wondering if the Supermium tier will really be worth the "supermium" pricetag. Do these added features warrant a tier this expensive, or is Spotify just trying to catch up with other streaming services and using sneaky branding? We'll let you decide.