The Wolverine, sees Hugh Jackman reprise his role in the sixth instalment of the X-Men film series. Set to follow on from the X-Men: The Last Stand, this Marvel Comics adaptation is set to give fans of The Wolverine (also known as Logan) the opportunity to learn more about what drives him. Summoned to Japan by an old acquaintance, Wolverine becomes embroiled in a conflict that forces him to confront his own demons. When in Japan, Logan exposes his vulnerable side, seeing him challenged by his Ninja nemesis in a “life or death” battle. He is strained physically and emotionally and the results will have significant consequences for his future.

Struggling with his own weaknesses and mortality, he must reach deep within to not only conquer the physical challenges, but his mental ones also. Instead of cutting him down, in true Wolverine style, he emerges more powerful than ever before.

Seen as a new beginning for the character, this instalment lets us see further into his psyche than any previous storyline. Fierce and epic, The Wolverine is sure to leave the door wide open for a third solo film for this popular “blade-handed” mutant. Fast paced, full of explosions and action, it could be fair to think that the sound effects and volume if nothing else would be worth the price of admission.

The Wolverine opens in Australian cinemas next Thursday 25th July.