Based in the 1960s, we meet Cambridge University student and future physicist Stephen Hawking played by Eddie Redmayne. The Theory of Everything tracks his early University days and the events which lead the shy student to meet fellow student Jane Wilde played by Felicity Jones. He is diagnosed with motor neuron disease at 21 and is given a grim life expectation.

A truly gifted student, Stephen is exceptional at mathematics and physics. He develops a fascination with black holes and begins to speculate about the creation of the universe. Confiding his theory with Jane it is clear that Stephens scientific mind in beyond his peers and he earns a strong reputation within the University.

The Theory of Everything

Despite his disease’s swift progression, Jane stands by Stephen and soon they marry and have a son. Stephen and Jane break new ground in the field of medicine and science, with incredible achievements. With two more children and Stephen’s career soaring, Jane feels the strain of managing a family whilst trying to get her own doctorate completed.

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His disease progresses quickly and soon his speech and mobility degrade, leaving him significantly dependent upon Jane and his support network. Despite Jane’s determination to help him, Stephen grows distant, and she struggles to cope with their relationship falling apart.

Exploring the incredibly opposite topics of human emotions and science & mathematics, The Theory of Everything is out now in cinemas nationally.