As part of Australia’s big switch from analogue to digital, some television channels will be changing their frequency as the final step in the move to digital only TV. This means that in order to ensure you continue to receive all the free to air stations you are currently viewing, you will need to retune your television. If you are watching your TV via an antenna and you don’t retune, you’ll notice some stations may have disappeared. So when and how do you do this?

The retune began in May 2013, and will continue all through this year until 31st December 2014. Different parts of the country will need to be retuned at different times. Some equipment will prompt you to retune, or even complete the task automatically.



Each area/state may have different dates, so to find out exactly when YOU need to retune, click on the link below to the “mySwitch” website. Type in your address to find your date. In some cases you will be able to select from a couple of dates because you will have more than one transmitter servicing your home.

What date do I retune?

If you don’t want to forget to retune, you will also find an email reminder service on the website to keep you personally up to date with all the latest information to do with the retune in your area.



Although retuning is not especially difficult, each device will be slightly different. Consult your user manual for specific instructions. Some basic retuning instructions can also be found on the "Digital Ready" website for the following devices: Viewer Access Satellite Television (VAST) – Digital TVs – Set-Top Box – PVR

If you have subscription television, your equipment may be retuned remotely by your provider, however in some cases your will need to retune the equipment yourself.

Although you will not be able to retune your equipment in advance, there is no problem in retuning at a later date. If you have any trouble with retuning, we recommend you contact The Digital Ready Information Line, which is a free call number on 1800 20 10 13 (Open 7 days per week 8:00am – 10:00pm)

Visit Retune Website