Wow! This is a very big question. Audyssey is a company with designers and engineers who have a passion for great sound and developing technology to improve everyone’s audio experience. Audyssey Laboratories was created in 2002 and is based in the USA. They specialise in technologies that address acoustical problems in sound reproduction systems used in homes, cars, studios and movie theatres.

The first Audyssey technology was released in home theatre receivers in 2004. It addressed the negative effects of room acoustics on sound reproduction. Since then, Audyssey has delivered several audio technologies that seek to overcome acoustical limitations in audio systems and better match human perception.

Audyssey Audio

To understand even a little bit about how Audyssey technologies work, we need to give some attention to equalisation. Equalisation is the process of adjusting the balance between frequency components within an electronic signal. The most common use of equalisation is in sound recording and reproduction. The circuit or equipment used to achieve equalisation is called an equaliser. These devices strengthen (boost) or weaken (cut) the energy of specific frequency bands to produce a more pleasing result to the listener.

Loudness compensation is a setting found on some hi-fi equipment and equalisers that increases the level of the high and low frequencies. This is intended to be used at low listening levels, to compensate for the fact that as the volume of audio decreases, the ear's lower sensitivity to extreme high and low frequencies may cause these signals to fall below an audible threshold. As a result audio material may seem to become 'thin' sounding at low volumes, losing bass and treble therefore the 'loudness compensation' is intended to rectify this deficit. Audyssey’s Dynamic Volume Control falls somewhat into this category, as it automatically adjusts variations in volume between speakers to stop loud passages of sound “blasting” you out of your seat, and quiet passages from sounding inaudible. This technology allows you to set the volume level that you want and keep it there, without having to constantly adjust it. By anticipating sudden spikes and dips in the audio soundtrack and compensating for them in real time, Audyssey Dynamic Volume ensures consistent volume levels, regardless of the content you’re enjoying.

Next is Audyssey room correction technology, which comes in four solutions: MultEQ XT32, MultEQ XT, MultEQ and 2EQ. While they are all built on the same core science, each is designed to operate within the constraints of the available processing power of the individual device.

2EQ® - Loudspeakers are specifically designed to deliver sound without distortion or colouration. Nevertheless, walls, furniture and other objects reflect and absorb sound, creating distortion that is unique to your own space. To counter this, Audyssey 2EQ corrects problems both in frequency response and in the time domain (where most of the problems lie), across the entire listening area. The results are immediately obvious—a clear, precise and natural sound.

Audyssey Audio

Included with each Audio Visual Receiver (AVR) is an Audyssey microphone. It is designed specifically for your make and model of AVR. It measures your space, and allows you to set and prioritise the seating locations and makes the adjustments to ensure your system produces the best listening experience for its’ occupants.

MultEQ®, MultEQ XT®, MultEQ XT32® - Similar to 2EQ, these are room correction technologies which increase in functionality as new versions are created. The latest version MultEQ XT32 optimises the acoustics of any room. It’s the most advanced equalisation and calibration system from Audyssey and is included in many of the leading home-theatre systems. By registering and timing sound in multiple locations, your system can adjust for distortions and reflections, creating truly optimal sound.

So how often do you need to recalibrate your AVR? Whenever you have added furniture, changed the curtains, moved the speakers, added new artwork on the wall or in any way have changed the layout of the room. You will need the Audyssey microphone that came with the AVR and a quiet 15 minutes or so. The newly calibrated room will sound brand-new all over again.

Now this is really just a drop in the ocean when describing the abilities of Audyssey technologies. If you would like to learn more, we encourage you to check out the MultEQ info on the Audyssey site.

If you have any questions about your own set up and would like to know more, feel free to speak to one of our Selby Techs on 1800 69 2225 or email us on

AVR with Audyssey from Selby