Summer is finally upon us! Bring on the “Silly Season”, filled with long summer nights, school holidays and the never ending stream of friends and family popping over for BBQ’s and beer. No one wants to be slaving over the BBQ, weeding the gardens or just watching the kids make fools of themselves under the backyard sprinkler without a suitable soundtrack to keep to vibe happening.

Gone are the days of dragging the old boom box outside with a power cable causing a trip hazard out to the back porch. Outdoor speakers are the way to go!

While it might be tempting to use your favourite indoor speakers outside, you will find better suitability and durability if you select a specific outdoor speaker. Ranging from budget to high end, active to passive, there is an outdoor speaker to suit your needs.


Active Speakers – No Amplifier Required:

One easy to install, easy to remove option is to go for a pair of active speakers.

The pair is made up of one active (powered) speaker with an inbuilt amplifier and one passive speaker, which draws power from the active speaker.

The active speaker is connected to mains power via a regular power cord (also known as an IEC cable or kettle plug). The two speakers are then connected via regular speaker cable (sometimes referred to as figure 8 speaker cable).

For the volume, bass and treble are controlled from the rear of the active speaker and RCA inputs are available for easy connection, it couldn’t be simpler.


Passive Speakers – Bringing outdoors to life:

A great way to utilise the zone 2 function on your amplifier is to run some outdoor speakers. While the kids are watching a movie inside, everyone else can be pumping their favourite tunes in the backyard.

Connected to your receiver in the same fashion as your regular indoor speakers, you can have great quality sound inside and out!

Most outdoor speakers are available in black or white, so they will suit any house’s style. Whether they blend in under the eaves, or make a statement!

While outdoor speakers are designed for outdoors, it is still important to shield them from the harsh elements as much as possible. They may be weather resistant, but it’s always best not to mount them in a location where they will get the full force of the wind, rain or UV light. Under the eaves or underneath the roofline is generally a great spot for your speakers.

Mounting your speakers up high and pointing down will achieve the best stereo audio effect. Always make sure your speakers are attached to a solid wall or timber stud for security. The last thing you want is a speaker hitting the deck instead of that stray sausage destined for the dogs bowl!

If you would like any assistance in selected the right speakers for your outdoor space, call our Selby Techs on 1800 69 2225.