Psychological science fiction thriller Selfless follows terminally ill real estate billionaire Damian Hale, played by Ben Kingsley. Typically a tower of strength and power, he realises that his cancer is one rival he cannot defeat. Offered an unusual option by a shifty organisation, Damian's only hope is a radical medical procedure called "shedding" which involves transferring his consciousness into a healthy body. Damian goes ahead with the procedure, paying $250 million for the second chance.

Starting a new life in a new body, his name is now Edward "Eddie" Kidner (played by Ryan Reynolds) and he relocates to New Orleans. Keen to begin his new lease on life, Eddie soon finds himself haunted by sinister visions. Prompted by these disturbing images, he digs into Edward's unknown beginnings, soon discovering that there is a mysterious organisation that will do anything to keep his origin a secret: even kill.


Watched by minders who ensure he continues his anti-rejection medication while his mind adjusts to his new body, he experiences significant hallucinations and memory lapses. We also see other "shedder" stories, which extends our curiosity about what and why this undercover world exists.

Selfless is in cinemas nationally from 23rd July