Call me Shauno. Together with my lovely wife I’m the founder and owner of Selby Acoustics.

I started Selby Acoustics in 2003, part time, working from home while I was still working full time at Bunning’s. My whole career had been in retail and my dream was to own a Hi Fi store one day. Thank god the internet came along, it was a great way for a small business to get started and I saw it as a perfect opportunity to get my Hi Fi business up and running and create an online store based on traditional retail customer service levels.

Personally, I’m married, no kids, 1 cat, but the business is my baby and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Q1.         What do you do at Selby?

Everything and nothing all at the same time! In the beginning it was just me so I did everything from customer service, packing parcels, buying stock etc. etc.

These days I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by an excellent team who take care of the day today activities leaving me plenty of time to stress out about everything!

What I really do is look to the future, trying to find ways to provide better value to our customers, whether that be through price, newer product ideas or systems to deliver more efficiently it’s on my shoulders to “steer the ship”

Q2.         Are you Apple or Android?

Apple. I just love the iphone, it’s just a shame Apple like to make their back up service such a pain.

Q3.         What’s your favourite food?

I’ll take Indian any day of the week, Chicken Tikka Masala extra hot!

Q4.         What kind of car do you drive?

I’ve got a Commodore that my lovely wife tends to drive more than me, I prefer my old 1990 Landcruiser

Q5.         What is your ideal holiday?

Doing nothing at a beach or resort somewhere, lying back reading a book till happy hour!

Q6.         What is your drink of choice?

Beer! Good old Carlton Draught

Q7.         AFL or Rugby? And Which Team?

If I had to pick I’d say AFL but I’m not really fussed with either

Q8.         What kind of Home Theatre do you have?

I’m a bit like the mechanic who’s car doesn’t run. I’ve had this business for 9  years and it was only last year that we put a home theatre in the house properly. Before then I had a hodge podge of gear that all never really worked well together. We converted the garage into a theatre, tiered seating for 8 and a 133 inch cinemascope screen. I don’t think we’ve actually had a full house yet, I need to meet more peopleJ

Q9.         What would be your ideal technology?

A time machine so I can go back and redo all the things I screwed up!

Q10.       What was your first album/tape/CD/mp3?

Billy Joel, can’t remember which album, I eventually had them all

I’m always keen to hear customer feedback and suggestions, so if there’s something you think we need to know email us at with the subject line: TELL SHAUNO and I’ll personally get onto it!