
In a twisted version of a Disney fairytale, “Maleficent” explores the previously untold story from a darker perspective of the iconic villain. Based on the 1959 classic “Sleeping Beauty”, Angelina Jolie stars as Maleficent, the cruel nemesis of “Aurora” whose viewpoint the traditional tale explores.

The film takes us back to when Maleficent was a “beautiful, pure-hearted young woman”. Growing up in an idyllic forest kingdom, she becomes a fierce defender of her unspoiled homeland as one day an invading army threatens to over-run the land.

Ultimately deceived, she struggles to cope. Her heart begins to turn to stone and a desire for revenge sets in. An epic battle erupts with the invading King’s successor, where she places a curse upon his baby daughter “Aurora” (played by Elle Fanning). This film allows us to find out the history of Maleficent and what has led her to the dark side.

Blissfully unaware of the conflicted history of the world she peacefully grows up in, Aurora has always felt a presence throughout her childhood. Maleficent views Aurora as pivotal to the legacy of her homeland. Maleficent is determined to succeed and Aurora may hold the key to peace in the kingdom.

Full of mystery, fantasy and special effects, Angelina Jolie truly becomes the powerful Maleficent.

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