Summer is almost upon us! Bring on the "Silly Season", filled with long summer nights, school holidays and the never ending stream of friends and family popping over for BBQ’s and beer. No one wants to be slaving over the BBQ, weeding the gardens or just watching the kids make fools of themselves under the backyard sprinkler without a suitable soundtrack to keep to vibe happening. Gone are the days of dragging the old boom box outside with a power cable causing a trip hazard out to the back porch. Outdoor speakers are the way to go!

You probably already own some equipment, such as stereo speakers and a quality Home Theatre receiver. You are probably halfway there to adding great sound to Alfresco Dining through harnessing your Home Theatre's multi-room capability to your Alfresco Dining space. 

In some home theatre models, the audio output needs only lengths of wire connecting to all other speakers. To improve your listening or viewing experience in your outside space is as easy as adding a few speakers. There is an excellent selection of speaker options to choose from; discreet in-ceiling and in-wall speakers from great brands like Selby, Polk and Krix all designed for the outdoors. 

While outdoor speakers are designed for outdoors, it is still important to shield them from the harsh elements as much as possible. They may be weather resistant, but it’s always best not to mount them in a location where they will get the full force of the wind, rain or UV light. Under the eaves or underneath the roofline is generally a great spot for your speakers, mounting your speakers up high and pointing down will achieve the best stereo audio effect. Always make sure your speakers are attached to a solid wall or timber stud for security

Selby's skilled Team can help you with all your questions. We have a fantastic range of outdoor speakers, cables and brackets for every budget and best of all, most work can be done by a qualified electrician.

Make the most of your time at home and impress your family and friends this summer with with Alfresco and multiroom sound from Selby.