Gaming is no longer just for kids, and it is no longer just for sitting on the couch in your lounge room. Augmented Reality is a term that may become common vernacular very soon. As defined by Wikipedia, “Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.”

Recently launched as an “invite only BETA test”, you may have already unknowingly been moving amongst those trialling the Android app “Ingress” developed by Google. Gamers play for one of two teams, and fight for control of real landmarks in their city, using the GPS in their smartphone. Working together with teammates that are for the most part anonymous, you aim to conquer real areas in your town or city by physically visiting them and claiming them for your team. Where it becomes even more interactive is when your teammates can communicate with you via social media to congratulate you or even strategise with you.

Looking at your smartphone screen, you lift it up and scan the buildings and streets around you and the app overlays the virtual layer of game pieces. It shows maps, weapon choices, location of other players and more. There are also whispers that Google is developing AR goggles to use with the game, which would allow the players to immerse themselves even further. That’s presuming you want to be identified as a player.

Despite still being in BETA testing phase, you can still request an invitation from Google if you don’t want to wait until it is commercially available to try it. You may get lucky.

Check out the link at Google Play or Watch below on You Tube