Sometimes it’s easy to forget all those little extras you need to get the job done. Although just a few of the numerous items available online, we’ve made a list of the most popular items that will be used this Easter. Ensure your project is not left unfinished by planning ahead. From HDMI cables, wall plates, speaker wire, cable tool kits etc, you can find it all online from Selby.

HDMI Cables – available in several lengths. TIP: Measure the length you will need with a piece of ribbon or string. This will make sure you don’t find yourself short or indeed having to gather up excess cable that makes your area look messy.

Speaker Wire - Available in various gauges, depending on your longest run. Check out our blog on AWG to find out which gauge will suit your job.

Network Cable Tool Kit – This super handy kit includes a tester, crimper, stripper, cutter and fittings for RJ11 and RJ45.

Network Cable Cat 5/6 – For computers or for use with HDMI over Ethernet. Popular for longer runs between walls.

Banana Plugs – Excellent for easy connection of speaker wire to receiver/speaker inputs. Check out our blog on installing banana plugs.

Wall Plates – Preferred by those who don’t want messy cables hanging around, and if you like a professional finish to your job. Check out our blog on the benefit of Wall Plates

Power Leads – Available in various lengths and functions so you don’t have excess cable lying around.

So whatever Easter Project you are undertaking, don't forget about the little things that can sometimes be easy to forget. It is always disappointing when you are "almost finished", but have to dash out to buy more things or even worse if you have to wait to be able to enjoy your new toys.

If you have any further questions about what you are trying to achieve or would like some advice, feel free to speak to one of our Selby Techs by calling 1800 69 2225 (option 2)