In this instalment, the mutants who are born with extraordinary powers and represent an advanced stage of human evolution must go back in time to change events in history in order to save their future.
From the previous films, we know that Wolverine has accelerated healing, enhanced senses, adamantium-laced skeleton and retractable claws. With the mutant race on the verge of extinction, Wolverine's healing factor makes him the only X-Man capable of withstanding the rigors of time travel. The Sentinels, fierce mutant-hunting robots which appear in the Marvel Comic Universe and are known antagonists to the X-Men, are looking to eliminate all mutants. Wolverine will have to survive long enough to complete the most important mission of his life: to go back in time to prevent a chain of events that will bring about the end of mutantkind.
X-Men Days of Future Past in out now in cinemas nationally.