Wall Plate 5    Wall Plate 6

To customise your own wallplate, you will need to work out how many connections you will need to make. Buy a “blank” wallplate, which has enough holes to suit your needs. The pieces that you will be inserting to customise your wallplate are called “keystones”. Keystones snap easily into the blank plate in whichever position you choose.

Keystone      Keystone

Keystone shapes may vary depending on the blank plate you have selected an the connectors you will be using, however you will find a great selection available to incorporate HDMI, RCA, F-Type, PAL, Speaker cable, Network cable, VGA, USB cable and even Infra-red receivers. If you would like to customise your own wallplate, visit us online here. Feel free to call and talk to one of our Selby Techs if you would like some help with your custom wallplate by calling 1800 69 2225