The fourth installment of the popular science fiction action film, Transformers: Age of Extinction takes place four years after the invasion of Chicago in the third film. Although following on from the previous film, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, sees a whole new cast of human characters including Mark Wahlberg in the lead role of Cade Yeager.
Filmed largely in Hong Kong, we see failed Robotics Engineer Cade, accidentally stumble across an injured Optimus Prime sometime after Chicago was destroyed in the last movie. Unfortunately the Government headed by Harold Attinger (Kelsey Grammer) has declared war on all Transformers so many of them are in hiding. In order to eliminate them, a Tech Designer named Joshua Joyce is hired to build man made and controllable robots to destroy all Transformers.
In this film we see Attinger team up with “Lockdown” who is a Decepticon bounty hunter and one of the baddest villains ever seen in the franchise. He has no allegience to either Decepticon or Autobot. Together with our favourite Autobots Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, we also see the Dinobots feature for the first time, which will appeal to many.
This instalment will make many fans of this franchise happy as the Transformers take much of the screen time and fill it with heaps of loud, thumping action.
So can the Autobots save the world?