Under the banner “I wonder why they haven’t done this earlier” comes the latest CG adventure which will take you back to your childhood. LEGO, a staple of millions of children worldwide since its creation in 1895, is near and dear to many because of its ability to enthral children in 2014 as much as it did over a hundred years ago. Creativity at its finest, many generations have passed down their LEGO to their children and grandchildren because fundamentally LEGO hasn’t changed. The only thing that may date them is the introduction of specific characters which can be identified by the period of introduction, for example Star Wars, Batman or something else.

The LEGO Movie tells the tale of an ordinary LEGO mini-figure named "Emmet". A "rule-follower", Emmet is mistakenly identified as the extraordinary "MasterBuilder" who is thought to be the key to saving the LEGO world. He is recruited by a group of strangers to join a quest to stop an evil LEGO tyrant from gluing the universe together.

Starring Chris Pratt as the voice of Emmet, who is completely underprepared for the adventure he finds himself in, we can’t help but laugh at how hopeless he is. “President Business” a powerful CEO is Emmet’s main opponent, voiced by Will Ferrell. Somewhat haphazard, President Business struggles to manage his own life while attempting world domination, giving many laughs to the audience.

Henchman for the President is "good cop/bad cop", a head twisting character with true LEGO features who will stop at nothing to catch Emmet and is voiced by Liam Neeson.

Many other characters endear themselves to us, including the old mystic “Vitruvius” voiced by Morgan Freeman, forthright “Wyldstyle” voiced by Elizabeth Banks and Will Arnett as the mysterious “Batman”.

If you are looking for a nostalgic ride into your childhood with the benefit of current day CG ability, you may find the LEGO Movie is just the thing for you.

The LEGO Movie is in Australian cinemas from April 3rd.

Check out the simple Lego game “Brick Bust” that can be found on the movie site. It’s kind of addictive:
