Starring Vin Diesel as "Riddick" in the third film in the series which began with "Pitch Black" in 2000, followed by "The Chronicles of Riddick" in 2004. Riddick is left for dead on a sun-scorched planet, up against an alien race of predators. He activates an emergency beacon which alerts two ships, one with a new breed of mercenary, and the other captained by a man from Riddick's past.

From the planet Furya, Riddick himself has been a mercenary, part of a security force, a pilot and a soldier. As a Furyan, Riddick was part of a warrior race that was decimated by a military campaign which left Furya desolate and him as one of the last of his people.

Facing aliens more dangerous than he's ever encountered, Riddick fights for his own survival. Within the harsh environment, his predatory instincts become honed. Confronted by the bounty hunters who have travelled the galaxy searching for him, Riddick's plan and quest for revenge sees him in a battle with his enemies.

Once again this installment sees Riddick dig deep to draw upon his incredible willpower. Despite finding himself in dire situations, he continues to survive situations which would appear insurmountable. Deadly with any weapon he can get his hands on, Riddick’s weapon of choice in this installment is a bone-sword he has made from the remains of a creature he had killed.

Out now in Cinemas nationally, "Riddick" is rated MA15+