When we decided it would be nice to introduce the team behind Selby, I asked “Who should we introduce first”. The answer came shooting back to me…”You”. After a few moments, I said “OK, I guess I asked for that one”.

So, I am Monique. I have been with Selby for only a short period, joining the team in August 2012 as the Advertising Coordinator. I share an office with 5 guys, which may make some shudder, but not me, they’re great!

My background is in Retail Marketing, Fitness & lots in between. I am a mother of 3 gorgeous kids, and spend most of my spare time running them around to a myriad of sporting commitments.

To help out all the staff, we decided that we should create some questions for them to answer, so here they are, and here are my answers.

Q1.         What do you do at Selby?

As Selby is a small to medium sized business, this means I do everything from writing blogs, keeping facebook up to date, coordinating the newsletter, product promotions and more.

Q2.         Are you Apple or Android?

Currently I have a Samsung Galaxy III, and not that I cared about what phone I had before, I’m loving this one.

Q3.         What’s your favourite food?

It depends on my mood, but I can never pass up Thai or Indian.

Q4.         What kind of car do you drive?

I drive a little white Toyota Corolla. It suits me well. It even fits all my kids, but maybe not for much longer.

Q5.         What is your ideal holiday?

I guess I have two kinds. One is the super relaxing Island getaway, while the other is the adventure kind, trekking somewhere exotic, and culturally diverse.

Q6.         What is your drink of choice?

I love a good Chai Latte, but I wouldn’t pass up a cold beer on a hot day.

Q7.         AFL or Rugby? And Which Team?

AFL, and although not doing so well, I am a Western Bulldog supporter. Maybe next year??? LOL

Q8.         What kind of Home Theatre do you have?

I have a “Projector Room” as my kids call it. It’s the one place we all get together and relax, without looking at all the other stuff that needs doing around the house. We project onto the wall because it’s like being at the movies. We have a large u-shaped couch that everyone can lay on, which you’ll often find draped in various pillows and blankets. Soooo comfortable.

Q9.         What would be your ideal technology?

A robot housemaid, that does everything including cooking, cleaning, washing the car, dog, kids etc.

Q10.       What was your first album/tape/CD/mp3?

I bought “Kiss-Dynasty” with my birthday money, on cassette tape. Wore that thing out.

So if you’re a fan of Selby on facebook, or have a question about the blog or newsletter, then feel free to pop a message through. Chances are it will be me that gets it.