This week we would like to introduce you to another of our team. Gavin has a really important role in Selby, and without him we wouldn't be able to provide the fantastic range of products you see on our website.

We had Gavin answer our team member questions, so you can learn more about him.

Q1.         What do you do at Selby?

I do the buying. I manage stock replenishment, source new products, negotiate trading terms, liase with suppliers for inventory management.

Q2.         Are you Apple or Android?

Both Apple and Android are in my house – I’m personally Apple but have a Motorola phone.

Q3.         What’s your favourite food?

Ar, so many but seafood is number 1 – favourite cuisine is Thai.

Q4.         What kind of car do you drive?

I’m greedy a bit – I have 2 cars: A Mercedes ML 270 and a Chrysler PT Cruiser.

Q5.         What is your ideal holiday?

It depends on my mood – A B&B in the bush or Chicago and New York for the music.

Q6.         What is your drink of choice?

That’s easy – Water, but I also love a lemon, lime & Bitters in Summer

Q7.         AFL or Rugby? And Which Team?

Both AFL & Rugby League for me – One eyed Essendon supporter and a fanatical Melbourne Storm member.

Q8.         What kind of Home Theatre do you have?

I have a pretty simple Marantz outfit – 5.1 Surround sound

Q9.         What would be your ideal technology?

Fast, user friendly and to complement my lifestyle: eg: Audio distribution in my home.

Q10.       What was your first album/tape/CD/mp3?

Not so daggy – Dire Straights “Alchemy” and Best of the Bee Gees!