We can be tempted to save some money when we invest into creating a Home Theatre. A typical decision may be to project your movie directly onto the wall. There is nothing wrong with doing this, however there are certain things that may help convince you that a projector screen is worth the dollars. When you project onto a white wall, the majority of light is absorbed and less is reflected back, which often means a loss of brightness and sharpness.

Commercial projector screens are made with a special reflective coating, which improves image quality. To ensure you experience the maximum picture quality from your projector, we certainly recommend you consider a projector screen.

What are the options?

Manual: Similar in operation to a roller blind, a manual screen is simply pulled down to use, and retract when not in use.

Fixed: A fixed screen is a great addition to your home theatre, and never needs to be pulled down or activated. It is a permanent fixed-frame screen.

Motorised: Rather than manually pulling down this screen, an electric model automatically does it for you via either remote control or a wall switch.

The next step is to determine what size screen you will need for your room. The best way to work this out is to position your projector where it will be used, and turn it on. Adjust until you are happy with the size you will be viewing it at, remembering that it is not always better to fill the entire wall. You don’t want to feel as though you are sitting in the front row of the cinema having to move your head and eyes left and right. Then measure the height and width that the image is projected at. This will help you narrow down which screen will suit your space.

If you are still uncertain which size or type of screen suits you, please call our Selby Techs on 1800 69 2225 to help you find the right one.

View Selby Manual Screens

View Selby Fixed Screens

View Selby Motorised Screens