If you have a phobia about being out of control or the thought of being catapulted into space on your own sends shivers up your spine, then “Gravity” is sure to take you on an exhilarating ride. Gravity stars Sandra Bullock as medical engineer Dr. Ryan Stone who is on her first Space Shuttle mission. She is accompanied by veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky played by George Clooney, who is commanding his final space expedition. During a routine spacewalk, debris from a satellite crashes into the space shuttle Explorer, leaving it destroyed, and stranding them in space alone and with limited air. Without means of communication with Earth, they must cooperate to survive.


Despite most of us knowing that surviving in space would be pretty difficult, this film brings the incredibly dangerous nature of hurtling through the universe with space junk and other objects to life in a visually spectacular and somehow realistic 2D and 3D offering.

We are kept in suspense as we hold our breath watching the pair struggle with their oxygen supply running dangerously low and their desperation to find a solution to save themselves. The compelling nature of the plot is complemented by exceptional graphics which envelope us throughout the film. It may be the concept and graphic portrayal that encourages you to see this film, but undoubtedly for most of us the notion of “What would we do in the same situation” may draw the most conversation.

Gravity is out in Cinemas nationally on Thursday October 3rd.